Audubon Aquarium of the Americas

We decided to take a little adventure across the "really, really long bridge" to visit some "fishes" at the aquarium a few weekends ago--here are a few pics from our trip:

I think they stood at this window for about 15 minutes, (hmmm...I wonder what they were thinking?)

In the Amazon Jungle--touring the treehouse with Daddy!

Jackson got to pet a SHARK!!!! He was so excited!!

Check out that alligator--he did not move the entire time! Is it real?

Oh, by the way--after we left the aquarium we decided to walk along the Riverfront of the Mississippi River so Jackson and Rayburn could look at the "big boats". Well, the reason we have no pics of this excursion is because as we were taking our leisurely stroll down the river a wonderful summer storm came across the river and SOAKED US--we ended up under some random pavillion, with some very RANDOM people(you know what kind of people I am talking about--we are on the riverfront in New Orleans). Needless to say we all walked away a little wet, but with our lives and all of our belongings!!!!! It was now time for lunch at Landry's Seafood-mmmm....mmmm...good! After lunch our next stop was the NEW and OH SO COOL INSECTARIUM!!!!!!

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